Being Calm In An Age of Emotional Chaos
As you may have noticed, the latest trend these days involves being triggered. People are triggered by everything from commercials to butterfly farts. Its gotten so bad now colleges are having safe spaces where people don’t get “triggered” by opinions they don’t agree with.
God forbid if you happen to disagree with someone’s preference of frozen yogurt, you might be accused of triggering them. As much fun as it is to poke fun at this, there is something more ominous and sinister going on. When you allow someone to “trigger” you or evoke a negative emotional reaction, you are giving away your power.
The way you choose to react is solely on the meaning that you give an interaction. Nobody can make you angry, nobody can make you offended, nobody can make you fearful. These are all things we do to ourselves based on our own negative belief systems. Think about it, do you really want your state of internal peace to depend on the actions and words of a neurotic person?
Sadly to say, most people in our society our suffering from their own emotional challenges and issues. Is it the wisest thing to make your state of inner peace conditional on what emotionally ill person says to you?
Most people are actually operating on an auto-pilot program of their negative belief system. So when someone…