The Myth of “Hard Work Pays Off”

Harper Healing
3 min readJul 17, 2019

And other fairy tales …..

So I’m about to go on a rant here about something that really irks me. I’m seeing it a lot in these so-called “self help” inspirational videos. You’ve seen them, right? The ones that tell the same story, “If you have a dream..and you work hard….put your nose to the grindstone…you can do it!”

What a load of horse sh*t.

Let me ask you something. If you have to move 3 tons of beach sand, would you use a spoon or a an excavator? Well, if you use a spoon, aren’t you working hard? Aren’t you breaking your back and putting your nose to the grindstone? Isn’t using the excavator cheating? I mean it’s not nearly as hard as moving the load with a spoon, right?

You’re probably asking yourself, what kind of crazy S.O.B. would use a spoon to move that much sand? …EXACTLY!!

Someone who has a subconscious hardship program that back-breaking work is virtuous and someone who has a program that success takes a long, long, difficult time. Both of those programs are nonsense and they are pumped into the minds of the public daily by self help gurus and so-called motivational videos. Don’t even get me started on the education system that indoctrinates us to be good worker bees.

Here is the rub, 99 percent of us are walking around with these F’d up



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