You won’t heal if you ignore this important concept…
I’m going to answer a question that some clients have been asking me a lot. Why is it that some people heal very quickly during a session while others can take 5–10 days or more?
The answer lies in understanding how illness and healing work. Illness is literally the physical manifestation of trapped beliefs/fears/trauma in the body. Your ability to face, process and let go of those fears/beliefs/trauma dictates how fast your healing will occur.
Many people have spent a lifetime holding onto fear as a “foundation” of their life process. They simply do not know how to look at or process life any other way. As a result, there is initial resistance to letting go of beliefs that do not serve them. Many times the reason for this is they do not even realize that the belief they are holding onto is manifesting into illness. On some deep level, they literally believe that the fear/belief is what is keeping them safe.
Because of this, sometimes the Higher Self needs time to untangle perceptions and beliefs so that healing can occur. I’ve experienced this many times myself. Sometimes I will heal within hours. Other times it may take up to a week or more.
Part of the Quantum Healing Process involves the Higher Self clearing the beliefs that caused your…