This is the real reason you suck at hypnosis….
Generally in the hypnosis and pick up community there is a constant obsession with mastering the techniques to persuade someone. Any forum you go to, any blog will also emphasize vocal inflections, and tonality and state changes….blah blah blah.
They always seem to miss the major elephant in the room. Its not their fault, its because hypnosis has become this watered down shadow of what it once was. Hypnosis practitioners are so disconnected from even themselves they they’ve forgotten the universal truths known by their ancestors.
We are all connected telepathically and energetically. With each interaction you have with someone, there is an exchange of information that determines what your subconscious beliefs are and how that will manifest into your reality.
Think about what I said, and think about how that manifests into whatever technique you are doing. Do you have subconscious beliefs that you suck? Do you subconsciously believe that you are not worthy and hypnosis is the only way to get people to like you? Do you believe that the person you are influencing is going to be a “hard case”. Do you feel guilty using hypnosis?
Whatever F’d up belief system you have before you use NLP or hypnosis is going to download into the reality that you will create with your…