The missing key to solving any of the life problems you encounter…
Have you ever noticed that when you are trying to solve a problem in a negative state, it is nearly impossible to find an answer? Einstein once said that you can’t solve a problem using the same mental state that caused the problem. The reason for this goes back to frequencies.
As I mentioned in earlier newsletters, everything has a frequency. Perceived problems are usually caused by negative beliefs which create negative mental states. A negative mental state is another way of saying the brain is operating at a lower perceptual frequency.
Essentially this is a fancy way of saying you’re in a hypnotic trance.
Let me share with you a story to make this more clear. Michelle is a psychic reader that you may have heard me mention before. Every time I or someone else gets a reading from her, we are always surprised that the solution isn’t something we considered. The reason for this is that the ‘solutions’ will always come from a higher frequency than the mental state that is causing the perceived problems.
You see, essentially there are no such things as ‘problems’, there are only negative mental beliefs and states that create ‘perceived problems’. The perceived problem is just a manifestation of negative beliefs.