The Trick For An Awesome Life of Fun, Adventure, And Inspiration
Hey, this email is going to help you have whatever you want in life.
A few weeks ago, a client named Jacob asked me why I offer products to enhance people if people should just love themselves the way they are.
Sharing the answer to his question will help to free you and give you access to all the experiences you have ever wanted.
What if I said to you, “This new cool movie is coming out and I can’t wait to see it because once I see it, I can finally love myself and know I’m beautiful!”?
You would probably be like, “Dude…it’s just a movie, an experience! It can’t give you self esteem or self love.” You see a movie is just an experience, nothing more, nothing less. Of course it can be fun to watch, and thrilling, but you know that you already have self worth and self love and it doesn’t come from a movie.
Developing muscles, growing taller, changing your eye color, getting a mansion…these are all “experiences”. There is nothing wrong with having new experiences and I encourage people to do so. However the problem comes when you feel that you need a new “experience” before you can love yourself and know you are beautiful in every way.