If you know anything about me , you know that the one thing that F**ks up my Tao of being chill is the lies we are constantly told in society. We are told lies about how things work, and then we are criticized and made to feel shame when we struggle. When we seek help, we are once again fed more lies of useless feel good, self help, daily affirmation crap.
For example….you may have heard of a few of these lies:
Oh….you’re not making enough money? Work Harder……..
You should read a book everyday if you wanna get ahead…
Its about getting up at the ass crack of dawn to start your day….
You need to network to get ahead………..
wait…spend 10k dollar on my 10X seminar you’ll get ahead…..
relationships are hard and take work……..
LIES!!!! LIES!!!!! MORE LIES!!!!!!
The secret to success simple. Any area of your life you are struggling is because you don’t have a belief that supports that area of your life. Its that simple. It isn’t rocket science, I absolutely cannot believe we are not told about this.
Listen up, from the ages of 0–7 years old your mind is purely subconscious. As a result you are absorbing all the programming around you , its your minds way of…