You’ve been misled about prayer…
Many of us have been misled on how to pray…
This shouldn’t be a surprise seeing as we are given incorrect information about nutrition, the mind and money. It only makes sense that we are purposely given incorrect information on how to pray properly as well.
It always amazes me when people tell me that ‘manifesting’ is against the Bible. True ‘manifesting’ is actually taught in the Bible, yet it’s called ‘prayer’. The original sacred knowledge has since been edited to keep people in a confused state of powerlessness. The powers that be didn’t want people truly accessing the power of ‘God’s’ help at will.
What we are left with is inverted manifesting knowledge that causes us to create things we don’t want when we believe we are ‘praying’ for what we do want. How messed up is that?
Most people are familiar with the quotes:
KJV John 15:23–24
“Whatsoever you ask the father in my name, he will
give it to you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name…
…ask and ye shall receive that your joy may be full.”
What most of you don’t realize is that these are condensed versions of the original. In the 4th Century, two sentences were removed that…