Nobody ever tells people this…so they freak out when it happens
I’m going to let you in on a little manifest Secret. Its crucial for you to understand this if you will see success immediately. If your current situation does not support what you want to manifest, it will break down and a new system will be put in place.
The secret is not to freak out and panic during the transition phase. This is the time when most clients email me in a panic state being in their minds things are getting worse. I’ve seen this time, and time again. You need to understand, things are not getting worse, they are changing.
During the transition period, anything that does not hold the frequency of your new reality will start to come apart and make way for the new frequency. This includes friends, jobs, websites, vehicles, family opportunities even belief systems. If the frequency is not compatible with your new reality those things will instantly come apart, it can be scary.
This is the part where most people freak out and give up out of fear and try to run back to their old reality. This is a mistake, do not let the fear send you back running to the old reality.
Usually the bigger the change in reality, the bigger the shift. If you’re just trying to manifest an extra 100 bucks in your life you probably won’t…